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2019-01-25 · In addition to the draggable and drawing slides, the Pro-Version of Pear Deck also allows you to access the teacher dashboard. The teacher dashboard allows you to save reports and view them later. The Pro-Version also allows for a student-paced version which can be utilized for absent students or for a flipped classroom. A 30 day free trial of Teachers at 1 out of 3 schools in the United States use Pear Deck connect with every student, every day.
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Introducing the Pear Deck Shared Teacher Dashboard! — Pear Deck. The Shared Teacher Dashboard is now live! This feature enables teachers using Pear
Sign in. Classroom is a free Enkelt beskrivet är Pear Deck ett tillägg (så kallat add-on/in) som gör dina Google- eller PowerPointpresentationer interaktiva genom att koppla YAMM Dashboard for Gmail. 4,3. (44).
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ap p e a r. =Dash= (dasj) slå, stöta, krossa; slag, stöt, streck. =Dastard= (dast´ard) feg. =Date= (dēt) datum =Deck= (däck) betäcka; däck.
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202 559 rosterSync - Teacher Edition. 3,3. (19).
You can see their responses in real-time and use it to inform the current lesson or even future lessons. 😊. Through premium Pear Deck features, teachers have access to a session dashboard and can review previous sessions and student takeaways.
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Exceptions. 1. The prefixesbe-,e-, ent-,for-and est. Words. paron. (n),pear.